Script - The Israel Association for Literacy |
Promoting research and education in written and oral language
The Israel Association for Literacy – SCRIPT – aims
to promote the study of all aspects of literacy and to empower
literacy education in Israel. Script members include academics
and educators working in a range of areas, as well as teachers,
teacher trainers, psychologists and speech / language clinicians.
Script members are interested in literacy, they research its various
facets and work to make it accessible to their students and clients,
and to the public in general. For the last 20 years the organization
has held annual Israeli conferences in the summer, and in the
last three years additional Script workshops have been held at
Tel Aviv University in the winter.
Research areas include the following, among others: linguistic
knowledge and language awareness, language acquisition and development,
second language learning, spoken and written language, listening
and observation skills, Hebrew language research, reading and
writing disabilities, literacy in the learning disabled, discourse
analysis, discourse and culture, emergent literacy, literacy and
technology, language and literacy policy, academic literacy, literature
theory and criticism, evaluation of literacy roles.
Script – the Israel Association for Literacy – is
involved in six main academic activities:
Two-day annual conference in the summer |
Winter workshop |
Spring workshop
journal |
Special interest
groups |
online website |
Annual summer conferences. Script’s main
academic activity consists of its 2-day summer conference. These
successful summer meetings have always been organized by Script
volunteers and are usually held in hotels, enabling social and
professional interaction between researchers. Script summer conferences
serve as an excellent platform for the dissemination of knowledge
through presentation of current research. Conference participants
are lecturers and researchers from universities, colleges and
teachers’ colleges, educational policy leaders, supervisors
and curricula developers, as well as teachers with key positions
in the Israeli Ministry of Education. The annual conference has
proved as an excellent framework for the promotion of knowledge
exchange and cooperation with international figures such as Bereiter,
Scardamelia, Spencer and Obler who have presented keynote talks
to the assembly and organized workshops. The involvement of guest
lecturers of both international and Israeli affiliations attracted
many participants to our conference and fostered a productive
dialogue between Israeli and foreign researchers. Script’s
executive committee hopes to see these exchanges and connections
deepen and expand, and will encourage initiatives in these directions.
Academic journal. Script Journal, an academic
vehicle concerned with all aspects of literacy, was launched in
1999. It publishes articles which have undergone peer review and
enables the dissemination of current, updated knowledge in the
domain of literacy to an audience of researchers, students, educators,
curriculum developers and other interested readers.
Winter Script. Since 2002 our association has held winter
workshops with talks by experts devoted to a single topic during
Chanukka at Tel-Aviv University. The topic in 2002 was Language,
literacy and education – empirical and academic reports.
In 2003 Winter Script focused on reading processes and reading
comprehension. In 2004 our workshop was devoted to reading processes
and reading disabilities and Professor M. Joshi, editor of Reading
and Writing, was the invited keynote speaker. Script members participate
in our conferences and workshops for a reduced fee.
Spring workshops. We held a third meeting this
year at Bar Ilan University in the spring, which was devoted to
matters of punctuation and spelling. This meeting had high media
visibility with consequent TV interviews of participants.
Script site. A dynamic, informative, communicative
and interactive web site which functions as a virtual arena and
a communication vehicle. The website is intended for Script members,
academics and practitioners working in the field of literacy,
students, and people interested in literacy and looking for relevant
information and activities. The site contains information about
the activities of Script association, detailed profiles of members,
information about the journal, an array of articles from the journal,
book reviews, links to additional relevant sites, pictures, etc.
The site contains ESCRIPT, an electronic academic content section
with articles, abstracts of MA theses and doctoral dissertations
in the domain of literacy, abstracts of talks and presentations
from Script conferences, etc.
Special interest groups. Several script members are associated
in three special interest groups: Academic Literacy, Literature
Theory and Criticism, and Literacy and Technology. The Academic
Literacy SIG has published 5 issues of the Forum for Academic
Literacy to date.
Script Officers
Script chair
Dr. Dorit Aram: dorita@post.tau.ac.il
Dr. Ofra Korat: korato@mail.biu.ac.il
Executive Committee
Amalia Bar-on: amaliaba@zahav.net.il
Dr. Janan Farag-Falach: janan@macam.ac.il
Safieh Hassunah Arafat: safihar@gmail.com
Ronit Levie: levieron@netvision.net.il
Prof. Iris Levin: irisl@post.tau.ac.il
Prof. Dorit Ravid: doritr@post.tau.ac.il
Dr. Rachel Schiff: rschiff@mail.biu.ac.il
Dr. Michal Shany: michals@construct.haifa.ac.il
Dr. Mila Schwartz: milasch@bgu.ac.il
Dr. Sigal Uziel-Karl: sigal@alum.mit.edu

Financial officer
Dr. Pnina Sela: pninas@macam.ac.il
Administration officer
Rotem Schapira: rotemschapira@gmail.com
Editor-in-chief of Script journal
Dr. Rachel Schiff: rschiff@mail.biu.ac.il
Editorial Board
Dr. Dorit Aram, Dr. Ofra Korat, Prof. Iris Levin, Prof.
Dorit Ravid,
Dr. Itzhak Shlesinger, Prof. David Tzuriel.
Website editor, chair and manager
Dr. Sigal Uziel-Karl: sigal@alum.mit.edu
Website editorial board
Dr. Ruth Burshtein, Dr. Sigal Uziel-Karl
Website founding editor
Dr. Shoshan Brosh-Vaitz: sbrosh-vaitz@idc.ac.il
Website establishment committee
Dr. Shoshana Folman, Prof. Iris Levin, Prof. Dorit Ravid,
Dr. Yitzhak Shlesinger.

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Italy Lov3r